What to Do If Your Water Heater Is Leaking

A leaking water heater can be a homeowner's worst nightmare. Not only can it cause extensive damage to your home, but it can also lead to significant repair costs. However, if you notice that your water heater is leaking, it's crucial to take immediate action to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your household. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps you should take if you find yourself facing this common household problem.

Turn Off the Power and Water Supply

Safety should be your top priority when dealing with a leaking water heater. The first step is to turn off the power supply to the water heater. For an electric water heater, locate the circuit breaker in your electrical panel and switch it off. If you have a gas water heater, turn off the gas supply. After cutting the power, turn off the water supply to the water heater to prevent further leakage.

Assess the Leak

Once you've safely turned off the power and water supply, inspect the water heater to determine the source and severity of the leak. Water heater leaks can occur in various areas, including the pressure relief valve, drain valve, tank itself, or from the fittings and connections. Identifying the source of the leak will help you understand the necessary repair or replacement steps.

Address the Pressure Relief Valve

If the leak is coming from the pressure relief valve, it may be due to excessive pressure inside the tank. You can try relieving some pressure by lifting the valve's lever briefly. Be cautious as hot water may be released. If the leaking persists, it may be necessary to replace the valve.

Drain the Tank

If the leak is coming from the tank itself, you may need to drain the water heater to prevent further damage. Connect a hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank and direct it to a suitable drainage area. Open the valve, allowing the water to flow out until the tank is empty.

Call a Professional

In most cases, water heater leaks require professional attention. Attempting to fix complex issues on your own can lead to more significant problems or even safety hazards. Contact a licensed plumber or a water heater specialist to assess the situation and provide appropriate solutions.

Consider Repair or Replacement

Based on the professional assessment, you'll need to decide whether your water heater can be repaired or if it's time for a replacement. Minor issues, such as a faulty valve, may be repairable. However, if the tank itself is corroded or leaking, replacement is likely the best course of action.

Prevent Future Leaks

To avoid future water heater leaks, it's essential to schedule regular maintenance for your water heater. A professional can flush the tank, inspect and replace faulty components, and check for signs of corrosion. This preventive measure can extend the lifespan of your water heater and reduce the likelihood of leaks.


Dealing with a leaking water heater can be stressful, but by following these steps, you can address the issue promptly and prevent further damage. Remember that safety should always come first, and if you're unsure about how to handle the situation, it's best to seek professional assistance. With the right approach, you can ensure the long-term reliability and efficiency of your water heating system while protecting your home from potential water damage.


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